Aries, it’s time to manifest a fiery love story! According to your February horoscope, there’s a high chance you’ll experience more intimacy and passion in your relationship. Make sure you don’t get cold feet and you’re emotionally available to connect with your partner on a deep level.
Thanks to Venus facing Pluto right around Feb 14th, your feelings for someone will be heightened. Whether you pursuing someone, or you’re already in a relationship, things are going to get serious between you two. No matter where life takes you, don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a love-fille adventure. It will eventually teach you a lot of things about your own identity and personality issues.
At the start of the month, Venus will create some chemistry with your ruling planet Mars. So you’ll experience a greater need for physical intimacy and things will get interesting in the bedroom. But if you’re not at a good time in your life, don’t risk things. It’s okay to find love in other forms. Don’t call your ex or settle for someone you don’t feel anything for.
Use your energy and passion to brighten up your life and career. Invest in skills you’ve always wanted to have. And plan that much-awaited holiday you’ve always been wanting to. Self-love is the greatest kind of love you can give yourself. Trust me, you’re in for a rollercoaster and just trust your instinct to turn it into something positive. Believe in the kindness of the universe and everything will make sense.
You’re going to be the life of the party (or parties). February will be quite happening for you and you will socialize with people over shared interests and hobbies. But remember to keep your close friends and family beside you and nurture those bonds.
Your ruling planet Venus comes with a bang, landing in your 11th house of friendship.
The most adorable Venus will keep your friend group joyful and enjoyable. So, prepare for lots of night outs, brunches, movie nights, and even some big-scale events! Make sure to charge your social battery because you’ll want to make the most of this newfound popularity.
Along with your sociability, your net worth will also increase. Perhaps, you’ll sign up for some new projects or you’ll come into a valuable skill. Whatever it may be, cherish this time and welcome it with open hearts. Remember to put extra effort into achieving your long-term goals! Your stars are aligning and you’ll see the results soon.
Your planets are being adventurous and asking you to get out of your comfort zone. It’s time to be the happy-go-lucky and fun version of you! Show them how to party because when you do, nobody can stop you from having a blast. This month will be a glimpse of what your future life will look like. As for your romantic life, things will be quite stable. But hey that’s good, right? Take this time to set up a relaxing routine with your partner. And for all, you single bulls, work on your growth. Love will find you when you appreciate your existence.
It’s time to dream big, lovely Gemini twins! The world is your oyster and you’ll be able to leave a mark. February will be a productive month where you’ll see a lot of new opportunities to prove yourself. With your curious and intellectual mind, you will work on something amazing. It might be a lucrative business idea or a chance to travel the world.
Mars, being the planet of action, will emerge through your first house of self-identity. This will be the perfect moment to manifest all your big goals. So don’t hold back because this is your time to shine. Your planets will provide you with the energy to get all things into action. All you have to do is make the effort! The universe has your back.
At the start of the month, Venus creates a challenging bond with Mars that will surely heighten all your yearning. But you shouldn’t overwork yourself during this time. Instead, plan what you desire in your life. Writing it down and making lists might help.
As Mercury goes into your ninth house of higher education and philosophy on February 11, you will start to see the bigger picture of your life. Many hard realities will become clear or at least you’ll get a fresh new perspective on your life’s challenges. All of this will prepare you to be invincible. You’ll see a lot of growth: in terms of your relationships, personality, and career. Your stars are asking you to take a leap of faith. Listen to them with an open heart.
Cancer, February will be an important chapter of your life. As things will get philosophical this month – you’ll understand the meaning of your existence and traverse through the hard realities of the universe. It’s time to connect to your innate self and welcome the energy of the universe to guide you on your chosen path.
Saturn, the planet of control and caution, will be in your eighth house. And you can use the massive energy of the planets to take big leaps of faith. If you are curious about something, now is the time to try it without thinking twice. You’ll find a lot of clarity about your relationships, your attachment styles, death, money matters, and spirituality. So you’ll be spending a lot of time introspecting. You can start the process by meditating or journaling as it will help you get in touch with your soul and your inner voice.
But all these external changes won’t be easy to handle. You will need to stay strong at some points because Saturn likes to test us. Although you have the power to turn it around with your will and self-confidence. Maybe it would result in something magical. If you’ve been manifesting for something your heart desires, you will find ways to go after it.
Doors are opening for you. All you need to do is enter through them. Venus will also be in your ninth house this month. This Aquarius season, look after nourishing your soul and letting go of anything that doesn’t fit in with your true purpose.
The Sun, your major planet, is presently in your seventh house of relationships, reinforcing your passion for learning in your intimate relations. Now is the moment to discover yourself through your romantic partnerships. You might be wondering about a certain pattern or want to look for an ideal soulmate. Well, February will be magical for you. In the sense, that you’ll find inner peace with where you stand with your significant. Or what your crush thinks about you.
Your relationships reveal a lot about you. How you interact with others has an impact on how you perceive yourself. Be prepared to see yourself in a positive light if you can listen and reflect on your behavior.
The uncertain Uranus confronts the Sun at the start of the month, creating a feeling of unease. To keep stress and impulsive behavior from wreaking havoc on your connections, consider what is underlying your anxiety and feeling of impending darkness. Instead of lashing out, look inward and carry a mirror to look at yourself. But don’t just look on the surface, but inside. Maintain a positive attitude, remain adaptable, and be open to new opportunities as you explore your true personality.
Saturn, the planet of limitations will approach the Sun on February 16. That’s when you will need to declutter your life. Which habits no longer help you? What else can you make simpler? Now is the time to be efficient and patient. In the meantime, Pluto, the planet of power and command, has established itself in your sixth house of work and well-being. This sluggish planet brings about gradual changes in your daily activities and habits. Ask yourself the hard questions to feel peace and serenity.
Don’t be afraid to speak up, Virgo. It’s time to be your best self and take control of the situation! Your February horoscope advises you to use your zeal and work ethic to achieve your goals.
Mars, the planet of initiative, is lighting up your 10th house of profession, and it has just one track: ambition! Mars will move you to take action if you had been wanting to set up a business, work more to get a promotion, or accomplish some success in life. Use this vitality to achieve your goal. With Mercury, your ruling planet, joining Mars close to the end of this month, making a decision and communicating your thoughts will be simple. Take a chance and use your newfound confidence to push you forward.
This Aquarius season, Venus will be grooving through your 7th house of relationships, bringing pleasure and comfort to your relationships. If you’re single, this might be the ideal time to begin something serious (if that’s what you’re looking for). If you’re currently dating someone, you can expect relaxing times with your companion. Valentine’s Day should be a joyous and exciting occasion. Treat yourself and your partner to a romantic candle night dinner or do something fun together. Even so, Virgo, you’re all set to receive the blessings of the universe for all the hard work you put in.
This is your time to prosper and grow, whether it is in your love life or career. Believe in your potential and your dreams. Because for you, the sky is the limit!
Do you love creating art, Libra? If you’ve lost touch with your creative side, this month will bring a lot of good energy to pursue your interests. This month, the Aquarius season will provide you with a flare of positive ideas!
On February 4, Venus, your ruling planet will make a strained advance to Mars. All of this energy will be a good opportunity to chance to discover new methods of communicating yourself, as well as remove old ways that are not aligning with your path. Try new styles of creative and artistic mediums. Whether you love painting, photography, or poetry, anything that makes you fall in love with the world will be your true calling. You do not have to be a pro at what you do. It should just be something that brings you joy. New desires will take you by surprise this month. Be available and see where it takes you!
Venus will waltz with dreamlike Neptune in your 6th house of career around Valentine’s Day, arousing your creative abilities and enhancing your senses. You can either ignore this or put them to use to create something magical. The universe is setting the foundation of your fantasy world, you have to absorb these vibrations and put them into your art. You might also discover that it’s simpler to communicate with your romantic interest and interact with your special person. You are being inspired, so pay close attention to what sticks and keep being amazing at what you do.
The storylines of your February horoscope are self-discovery and growth., Scorpions, get ready to unleash the best version of yourself. Even though you’re already quite amazing, some parts of your life have been limiting your self-improvement. It is time you come to terms with your negative habits and adopt better lifestyle habits.
With Jupiter transiting your 6th house of job, you’re eager to open your normal routine and enhance your working situation.
This is the right time to look for a better job. If you feel like you’ve been stuck in a rut, take a bold move and search for nicer options. Part of realizing your worth also means you stop working for exploitative jobs.
Ask yourself if you want to continue working at your current position or try something new. Are you fully prepared for something more rewarding? Jupiter will make you take some reckless decisions but it will be helpful to be smarter about the process.
Do things in your daily routine that is good for your overall growth and bring you closer to your goals. No matter what, take pride in your abilities and your work. Expect Jupiter’s positivity and delight to help you develop your sense of fulfillment. You would be able to visualize and envision the future you have always wanted.
As for love, this month will be quite rewarding. Along with your career, focus on what you want from your partner in the long term. Tread carefully, Scorpion. Your life is going to take a magical twist!
Venus will transit your 4th house of family, giving you a sympathetic and faithful essence to fix things with your parents or siblings. If you have regrets about anything in your past life, now is the time to let go of them and free yourself from those shackles. If you can, try to mend things with a close friend or just show your love for them through something meaningful.
Valentine’s is not just about romantic love. Your friendships and other relations are equally important. In your quest to look at life from a positive view, try to find peace at your home. You can nurture your loving side by expressing gratitude to a loved one and yourself.
Pluto, the planet of strength and depth, will bond with Venus this month. This time requires you to be completely honest with your needs and your feelings. You need to manifest blessings but only the ones that are truly meant for you. Because it is the only path to understanding your connections. Perhaps a friend doesn’t have your back, but it’s simply because they’re hesitant to believe you. Perhaps your sister isn’t upset with you; she’s simply in a tough situation. Try to find out the positive side of the picture and you’ll feel much more satisfied with life.
Whatever the truth is, it is time to embrace it and take control of your life. Pluto is about transformation from within out, not quick action. You can see what’s there and decide the best way to proceed by approaching yourself and those around you with love.
Capricorn, you’ll be quite busy this month. Your horoscope cautions you to prepare for a busy work schedule, as your world is going to speed up.
Saturn, your ruling planet, approaches the Sun on February 16, and the theme is tough work, self-control, and diligence. You will most likely be recognized or assigned new duties. In any case, it’s time to ease your workflow and let go of the stuff that is no longer helping you reach your ultimate goals. If you’ve already spent so long working hard, Saturn will guide you to your path. You have laid the groundwork for the coming years. Saturn could be showing you to make a change if things appear to be slipping away.
With a packed routine, you will have less time to spend time with your loved ones. It will require a lot of planning on your end. Try to manage your time and prioritize your needs. You can’t be working all day long, you need rest and human interaction. So try to take out time for that otherwise you will be burnt out.
Meanwhile, Uranus, the quirky and edgy planet, is still transiting your 5th house of imagination and passion. This energy will take you out of your comfort zone. And you will see yourself being open in your relationships and creating more art. Uncertainties and some developments in your romantic life are possible. Perhaps some unusual people or connections will emerge. You will be yearning for freedom or may discover yourself adopting some spontaneity in your personal life. Whatever you do, put your heart and soul into it, Capricorn.
It’s time to pass on the love, water-lovers, because Aquarius season has arrived! Your horoscope depicts new desires, genuine self-love, and taking pleasure in small things.
This month, Venus remains in your 2nd house of glamour and principles, stabilizing your partnerships and funds. All that you enjoy doing will give you far more enjoyment. With Uranus being your planetary leader, sparkling on Venus close to the start of February, you will feel open to new experiences and possibilities. Get ready to broaden your horizons and enhance your enthusiasm for life. Perhaps you and your friend explore a new place or a recipe, attend a yoga class, or decide that it’s time to renovate your home.
Venus and Pluto, the planets of authority and affection, form a favorable aspect on February 19, pulling you to have candid and direct discussions with your family members. It’s the moment to be yourself and enjoy emotional intimacy. You may realize your strength. This will prepare you for the coming months and bring newfound motivation in your life to go after your dreams.
It is the month to go after your passions and dive deep into them. Although being honest with yourself will be a lot more fruitful and will bring you a sense of accomplishment. Your radical self will appreciate your drive to be a better person. And that comes with facing some hard truths about yourself. So whatever it is that is limiting your growth, you need to hold it by its hand and move it away from your life. Only then can you make room for something beautiful to arrive.
Your birthday season is almost here. It’s time to celebrate your achievements and how far you have come Pisces. Looking back, it was not easy to predict where life go, but things are looking colorful.
You will meet new people this month and embark on amazing adventures. Your horoscope says you will be doing something meaningful during this month that will contribute to your success. It does not have to be anything productive. Even taking out time to ponder over your life can sometimes turn out to be powerful. This Valentine’s Day, spend it with your loved ones and cherish their presence. But do not forget to thank yourself and be kind to your heart.
Your inner vision and institution will be high this month. Thanks to Venus and Neptune tangoing in your 5th house of identity. Welcome passion and introspection into your life. If you had been busy working and not having time to think about stuff, now is the moment to look back. Because that is how you will assure your future will be brighter.
Make sound investments in your health and career. Your long terms goals are much closer to you than ever before. Jupiter, the planet of prosperity will bless you with good fortunes. Money matters will start to make sense finally. But be careful that you spend them wisely. And also make smarter decisions with your time. Because as they say, time is money. Your talent will shine during the coming years and you will soon, reach for the stars.