How to deal with naricisst partner? what is narcisst behavior?

Narcissist behavior or narcissistic personality disorder is considered a mental condition where individuals develop an elevated sense of their importance.

It is characterized by a strong desire for excessive admiration and attention that may lead to a troubled relationship at times. In addition, it has been observed that there is a lack of empathy for others. However, behind such an extreme level of confidence, vulnerable self-esteem exists that may fire up even to the tiniest criticism.

A person having narcissistic behaviour may cause problems on several occasions. These may include work, personal relationships, school and financial matters. Such individuals usually end up being disappointed and unhappy when they do not get the favour or admiration they deserve. Most of the time, they find things unfulfilling, and people around them may find it challenging to have an enjoyable time.

A narcissist often fantasizes about unlimited success and has an exaggerated feel of one’s power and love. Any interaction or conversation with a narcissist individual is often monopolized. There is a high probability that such individuals may get easily engaged if they feel that they are being ignored.

The relationships they are involved in are mostly based on superficial attributes and not the distinct qualities of an individual. They are extremely rigid by nature and, at the same time, fragile. Their grandiose feeling about themselves is threatened easily. Most of their interactions are just for the sake of it, and they avoid intimacy. When they do not get the desired attention or praise, they usually feel restless and depressed. It is worth taking note that a narcissistic personality is a significant risk factor. There is a high possibility of self-injury or even suicide.

Ways To Deal With A Narcissist Partner

The first is an attempt to understand who they are as a person. A narcissist is pretty fast at turning on the charm. Individuals may find themselves drawn to the promises and ideas of a narcissist. For this reason, narcissist individuals are extremely popular in a work environment. However, before concluding anything, it is better to observe for a while. In case it is found that they openly lie, manipulate or disrespect others, there is no reason to believe that they will not do the same to you.

A narcissist person is always on the toes to keep themselves in the spotlight. Therefore, an individual has to be careful enough not to allow narcissists to infiltrate personal space. The best approach is to take some time out and take charge of the situation. It must be remembered that it is not anyone sole responsibility to fix someone.

However, adequate care must be taken to ensure that a narcissist is never ignored, whether knowingly or unknowingly. Giving up on someone or walking away from someone is never a solution.

If you love your partner and want that person to be in your life, you must engage and speak and not turn away. You need to be calm, and you need to be gentle. You must tell them that their words and conduct are important and they must pay attention to it.


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