Tarot Class

C$ 500.00

$400 USD / $500 CAD for 5 Sessions

Topics included are:

1. Major Arcana
2. Minor Arcana (Wands and Swords)
3. Minor Arcana (Cups and Pentacles)
4. Court Cards and Spreading
5. Practice Real Cases (Interpretation of money and love life-related. How to do Yes-No technique and time frame findings)

*45 Minutes for each session



Best Tarot Reading Packages

If you are searching for the best Tarot Reading Packages Toronto and USA, you can rely on Psychic VisionaryGu. We offer insightful classes for our customers. Our experienced readers have the knowledge and expertise to understand your present situation with the best card reading methodologies. Our package contains 5 sessions with each one lasting 45 minutes.

Best Tarot Reading in Toronto

The price we charge for this package is highly affordable. Under the supervision of the best online Tarot Reader, you can gain better future insights. The divine understanding of our reader transforms your life in an unprecedented way. You can make life more creative, productive, purposeful, and enjoyable with our tarot class.

Online Tarot Reader in USA and Canada

You can take these classes online. Our tarot card reader gives you clear instructions on what to do and how to change life for the better. The bottom line is that we will solve all your issues and show you a more rewarding way of life. An appointment can be taken with effortless ease based on time schedule provided at our website.

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